Welcome to a journey – maybe – of a life time, an initiatic journey for women that will invite you to reconnect and reclaim your Power of Creation, your rightful place on this Earth as a sovereign Creatrix that you are. This format of a retreat is designed to bring you in deep connection with yourSelf. Purposely it follows the path of the Heroin who’s exploration could not be contained within the 4 walls of a conference room, nor could it be kept into a theoretical approach only. This is a journey of soul and full of souls, with like minded women ready to heal marks of previous experiences (like abuse, limitation and dis-empowerment) and claim their inner Magdalen.
20th – 26th of September 2024.
South of France – Occitanie, previously known as Le Pays Cathare. Our main base is in a cozy villa, with private swimming pool, terrace and all the amenities we might need, including a special designed space for our healing work.
Our meeting point is in Barcelona, from where we will start our initiatic journey, spending our first night in Montserrat – the magical place that hosts the Black Madonna. We continue our journey next day towards south of France.
From ancient times people would retreat in order to rekindle their divine connection, in order to regain clarity, to heal or connect deeper to themselves and others, mostly in places known to be sacred. Just like the Ancient Ones, we do the same, we follow the path of Mary Magdalen – which is believed to have came to south of France after the Crucifixion.
It is important to have in mind that the concept of this retreat is more intense than a regular workshop. Depending on the group energy, we have at least one healing circle per day indoors (of around 2 hours), sometimes if it is required even 2 meetings, plus small journeys in the area where we visit powerful energetic places. While we are on ‘the field’, you get to experience first hand your connection with the divine Nature, immersion yourself in it.
Please have in mind that the format of this whole initiatic journey takes a feminine approach. Even though we have plans to visit different powerful energetic places in the area, the precise day depends on the energy that aligns for our quest and the readiness of the group. You will have direct contact to what it means to tune into the inner guidance, to become part of nature and therefor being aware at what that intelligent field of Creation, is showing and guiding. During the whole retreat you will be supported to become more of yourself, your divine connection, activating the Inner healing capacity that you were entrusted with and claiming the Magdalen within.
For whom is this program?
- Women that are willing to claim back their true power, owning their creative force and bring it further in the world.
- Women that are ready to live fully and shed past limitation, guilt, shame or blame.
- Women willing to claim all their creative power and sensual energy.
- Women that went through abuse (physical, sexual, emotional) and are ready to clean and heal it from an energetic perspective.
- Women that want to conceive naturally.
- Women that wish for better relations – starting with themselves.
- Women that want to heal themselves, their connection or ancestral line.
- Women ready to take their rightful place in the world.
- For all those that are longing to return to their true Self and genuine nature.
- All those ready to take back the pen and rewrite the story of the past conditioning, blockages or even trauma, willing to transform it and claim the treasure that lies within.

What to know about this retreat?
The group work, programs, retreats are a living creation, between Andreea Cristina Chis as a facilitator & guide, together with you the participant that feels the calling to join and the divinity, that holds the keys to the Big Mystery.
Even if you will learn a lot from it, this type of work is not a theoretical class. This retreat brings together in a sacred alchemy, the modern and the traditional, in waves of profound love. This program is based on experiential learning, meaning that you will learn from your own experience directly. This does not mean you will be alone in it. It simply means that you will be supported to tap into your own sovereign power, inner knowing and direct guidance. You will be offered the space and the support to process your experience and start tapping into the gifts beneath it.
The group work is always unique, as the group energy is being formed by every single participant and the places that are hosting us.
Claiming the Magdalen – South of France 2024, has as a main theme of work aspects related to healthy feminine energy, authenticity, sovereignty, sensuality and sexuality, embodiment and expression in love. Please have in mind the program can modify related to group or individual process.
How did it started?
It all started when Andreea Cristina returned to south of France for the first time, invited by friends to join ceremonies within the Circle of Sound – where sound healers from all over the world meet twice a year to play crystal bowls for the well being of the whole world. Within this journey she started recalling past lives memories, as well as she started channeling from Mary Magdalen. The information provided proved to be true.
Years later during a vision, Mary Magdalen encouraged Andreea Cristina to start this journeys in south of France.
Ever since then, she conducted already the program in three retreats in South of France and two in Sardinia.
Please have in mind, Andreea Cristina won’t teach you what she does, but she will create the space for you to connect deeper to your gifts, to your resources, to the divine. She will encourage and support you to take and follow your own path. She will guide and invite you in an alchemical processes in order for you to access directly healing energy.
How does it work?
This program is based on Andreea Cristina Chis experience, which means more than two decade of transformational events as a guide, trainer, outdoor trainer, facilitator as well as participant. It has behind initiations in different traditions, applied healing methods and a continuous search and found of the divine, in so many ways and shapes and forms. It blends together all those techniques that worked the best -both from a personal development as well as native approaches – in unity and harmony with all the aspects involved (mental, emotional, physical and energetic) honoring all the ancient ones that brought them through: from ancestral and natural origins, to native, Asian, to Egyptian, Sufi influences, Norse tradition and the ancient Celtic way of healing.
But mostly is within her own transformation & healing from past traumas of abuse – physical, sexual, emotional & mental, to overcoming limitation and conditioning and setting herself free and on fire of passion for life, that made her not only reclaim her rightful place on this Earth, but support other women to do the same.

When it comes to the transformational work that we do, what to expect?
We highly recommend you meet us from a place of curiosity and openness, avoiding if is possible expectations. Yet,
- We always start at the level of the body, that has intelligence of its own and stores information of everything that ever happened to us.
- You are invited in a sacred and safe space, where with gentleness and care, respecting your rhythm we start the process of de-conditioning, healing & transforming.
- Guided meditations, energetic work, channeling, high transmissions of light and love, ancient knowledge, incantations and invocations, ancestral work and ceremonies, body oriented exercises are normally part of our programs.
- Harmonization of emotional aspects – including emotional release (if necessary) – & energetic blockages, as well as transformation of non-beneficial patterns.
- Ceremonies with and for the Earth, honoring the ancestors of the lands that we come from, as well as the ancestors of the land that we are visiting and allows us to gather there.
- Ancestral healing – many of the imprints we carry are not only ours, but sometimes are the result of what our ancestors went through.
- Activation of the higher heart and unconditional love. Accessing the supreme healer within and activating waves of love bathing the being and supporting the processes on going.
- Embodiment of higher aspects and empowerment.
- Initiations and divine activation in sacred places used from ancient times for it.
- Balancing the female – male aspects;
- Ancient Celtic and Core Healing, Mystical prayer and ancient transmissions.
- Transmissions and direct work with the guides of our journey on aspects related to the individual and group work.
- DNA and soul work might be included.
Please have in mind, that the ceremonies, and energetic work, will adjust to the needs of the group, so changes may intervene. Also ending times might vary depending on group processes.
The participation in this retreat will not replace the visit to your health specialist. As well as the visit to the health practitioner will not replace the energetic work.
Due to the expending nature of the work, it might not be recommended in certain cases, as if you’ve been diagnosed with any serious mental illness or disorder such as schizophrenia, psychosis, delusion or mental instability due to recreational drugs, etc. Please inform the organizer before embarking on this journey and process.
Organizational details, cost and registration
- Please have in consideration that the program is international and it will take place in English.
- The number of places available is limited for 10 people.
- Everyone who feels the calling to join, is invited for a private meeting online that is included, before the registration is completed, so we know each other and make sure of the matching with the group work and the energy coming through.
- Cost of participation: 1320 euro until 1st of September. After 1st of September 1410 euro.
- The investment includes participation in the transformational program, accompany guide for the whole journey, accommodation.
- The registration is confirmed through a down payment of 600 euro, non refundable in case you change your mind.
- The cost could not include all the love, appreciation, the magic, all the connection with like minded women and the beautiful memories we make. That is priceless!
Registration ends on 10th of September or when the retreat is fully booked.
Not included:
- flights to and from Barcelona;
- insurance;
- car rental & gas for the 7 days (depending on the number of people, the car the group decides to rent and the timing of the reservation. At this moment – end of June, the cost for rental is 60 euro per person + 40 euro deposit for the car).
- food – we will buy all that we need for breakfast and snacks in the house, yet during the day we will be outside so it is easier to stop on the way and have food outside.
In case of restrictions of travel (hopefully not anymore), the event will take place online and the cost for accommodation will be refunded.

‘One day I was contemplating, how would I feel, how would I be and act, if there was no subtle limitation affecting me?
One day I realized that growing up in this modern world as a woman, in a christian environment, I was exposed to 2 strong images: the image of the Mother, as Mother Mary, and the image of the prostitute, as Mary Magdalene is described in the bible. It made me wonder, how this subconscious patterns limit or conflict my expression in the world, my sexuality, my power…
Mary Magdalen was not a prostitute, she was a high priestess in the cult of the Divine Mother. She was a scholar, a mystic and she holds the keys to the Mysteries of Sacred Sexuality. Many say that Magdalen was not her original name, but was a representation of an order, the order of Magdalas.
How would I show up, be and feel if I claim fully the Magdalen within me? If they shed any subtle limitation from the environment – already proven by the science of epigenetics – how would women express and impact this world? For a moment, play with me, how would you be without limitations? How would you feel when you own fully your wisdom, your power of creation and the mysteries of your own sexual energy?’
Andreea Cristina Chis
Thank you for your interest! We currently do not accept anymore registrations for 2024!!! To join us in 2025, please fill the registration form, and we will keep you on the loop with the details.
Having questions? Please visit the Registration section or send an email at ready@CreatrixYou.com .
Thank you <3